The Easter Journey

This week, we took a walk through the events leading up to the Resurrection. It can be easy to breeze over these stories, thinking we’ve heard them so many times. Holy Spirit can and does still speak to us as we are reading them, and it is important to understand what really happened leading up to Jesus’ death and Resurrection. What must the disciples have been thinking, feeling? What was Jesus feeling? God planned every single detail.
The first stop was the Last Supper. The student’s sat around the table as they read the following scriptures: Matthew 26:17-25, Matthew 26:26-29. The student’s took Communion as they sat around the table, remembering why we take Communion.
The next stop was the Garden of Gethsemane. Here we see Jesus’ heart and devotion to the Father. He is filled with sorrow to the point of death, and yet His commitment to do the Father’s will is unwavering. He knows what is ahead for Him. He says “the hour is at hand”. The weight that Jesus was carrying in this moment is unimaginable. And yet all driven by love. Here the student’s read the following scriptures: Matthew 26:36-39, Matthew 26: 41-42, Matthew 26:45-46.
The next stop was the cross. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, mocked, and accused, but He was not found guilty. He remained a spotless lamb. Yet, the people chose to have Him crucified in place of a criminal. Here the students read Matthew 27: 33-55.
We then come to the resurrection, a glorious day! The religious leaders remembered Jesus said that He would rise after the third day, so they made sure the tomb was extra secure so the disciples could not steal His body. Here we see a prophecy from God being fulfilled in the exact way God said it would. Matthew 28: 1-7, Matthew 28:10.

Think About It: Jesus died for ME, and He rose for ME

This week, I want you to start your prayers by thanking God for His great love for you. What He did on the cross was driven by Love. And so was His Resurrection! He rose to defeat death for you and me, and so that we can continually be in His presence. This changed history forever. If Jesus loves you unconditionally, and is always close, doesn’t that bring you comfort? That the One who conquered ALL sin and death, is your Savior? Who loves you and knows you better than anyone else, loves you more than anyone else? He WANTS to be with you! His actions in this Easter story prove that.

I want you to realize how the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit all played a role in the death and resurrection. The Father orchestrated every detail. He is perfect, and could not be in the presence of sin. He so desired to be with His children, there had to be a payment for that sin. He loves you SO much that it pleased Him to crush His son to pay for YOUR sins. “But it was the Lord who decided to crush him and make him suffer. So the Lord made his life a penalty offering. But he will see his descendants and live a long life. He will complete the things the Lord wants him to do.” Isaiah 53:10

Jesus was obedient to the Father’s will, lived a perfect life bringing light to complete darkness and paid the price for our sins. “Then Jesus walked a little farther away from them. He fell to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, do not give me this cup of suffering. But do what you want, not what I want.” – Matthew 26:39.

Jesus told the disciples to not be discouraged, because He was sending a Helper in His place! Holy Spirit is coming. He tells them to watch and wait to be filled with power. “Listen! My Father has promised you something; I will send it to you. But you must stay in Jerusalem unti you have received that power from heaven.” – Luke 24: 49

Group Questions:
1. What role did the Father play in the death and resurrection of Jesus?
2. What role did Jesus play?
3. What role did Holy Spirit play?
4. Why did Jesus die? Why did He raise from the dead?
5. Extra $5 if you explain to your parents one event leading up to Easter and why it is important!

God Encounters:
This week we had 4 different stations set up to walk through the Last Supper, prayer at the Garden, the Cross, and the Resurrection. Student’s had an opportunity to step into these events as we asked Holy Spirit to speak to us about what it must have been like, and to understand the weight of what Jesus did for us. They took communion as we remembered His great act of love for His children.

There are many rewards in God’s Kingdom. There are rewards in the kingdom of heaven for the good works we do here on Earth. However, there are also rewards that we can have here on Earth when we follow His commands.
How many can you think of? I will give you a dollar for each one you tell me on Sunday.

Upcoming Events:
VBS SCUBA: June 10th – 14th 2024
Movie on the Lawn: June 21tst. 7 pm -God’s Not Dead-
Movie on the Lawn: August 23rd. 7 pm -God’s Not Dead 2-
Lads & Ladies Laser Tag: September 1st 12:30-3:00
Royal Ball: TBD
Christmas Cookie Decorating: December 14th. 10am-12:30pm

Last week Madison prepared a great object lesson using clay to represent hard hearts and soft hearts. She used dried-out clay to represent the difficulty of molding it into anything else but a lump. She used soft clay to represent a moldable heart that can be molded into many things due to its obedient nature. It was obedient to the potter’s hands.

“Also, I will teach you to respect me completely. I will put a new way to think inside you. I will take out the stubborn heart like stone from your bodies. And I will give you an obedient heart of flesh. ” Ezekiel 36:26.

$10 Memory Verse:
“The angel said to the women “Don’t be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, the one who was killed on the cross. But He is not here. He has risen from death as He said He would. Come and see the place where His body was.” -Matthew 28:5-6